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[The scene opens with a video beginning to play on the titan tron. An image is displayed of what appears to be New York City on fall afternoon. The image then points toward the sky above the city, a pleasant, clear light blue color.  Clouds begin to rush in as the sky turns black with a red tint. The video pans back down to the base of the city as the pavement begins to crack. The screen flickers quickly between an image of the city and the silhouette of a man. The video flickers quicker and quicker, with it looking like the silhouette is moving closer and closer to the screen.  The screen goes completely black and a name appears on the screen in a blood red color.]

                                                                    ~Andru Mace~

[The name stays there for a moment, then go up in flames. The screen fades slowly as the letters burn, showing the city once again. The video pans up to the New York City skyline, where the silhouette is standing atop one of the buildings. The camera zooms in as the silhouette brings his arms up slowly and violently brings them back down. The city bursts into the flames. The silhouette disappears and the video pans back down, as soot and ash fall upon the crack concrete. The camera pans to a dark alley way where a rustling sound is hear. From the alley emerges Hellfire, wearing an all black trench coat.]

~<{ Hellfire }>~[ Andru Mace, you want the monster, you've got him.]

[Hellfire laughs evilly and walks deeper into the alley as the screen fades out.]

                                                             ~Commercial Break~

[The camera fades back in at the entrance to the HFW arena in Albany, NY. Hellfire is seen sitting on a bench outside the doors.]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ To think, in just a matter of hours, this place will be Armageddon.There is no doubt in my mind that the television return of the HFW will blow the roof off of this building.]

[Andru "Stuck In The Past" Mace, your list of accomplishments are impressive, I'll give you that. However, they are irrelevant, this is a new era of the HFW, we all start from scratch, it's about time you realize that. The sad truth is, we have all been out of the game for the last 5 years now, some of us even longer. You accomplished that long list back then, when you were in your prime. I do want to thank you, for bringing up my reign as the Cage Champ, even though at this point it is also irrelevant. It is funny that you compare it to Mick Foley and the WWF Hardcore Championship, because if you recall, he went all the way to the top and became the world champion, just as I will. It's good to know you kept an eye on me back in those old days, and that my performances have stuck out so well in your mind. You did get one thing wrong, in the days of opposing you in L.O.W. and whatever other faction you were in, I never ran. If you remember, even if I had taken a hiatus of sorts, I always came back better than before and always put an end to whatever power hungry faction you were in.]

[ You are right about one thing though - fuck all those who did not answer the call to come back home, to the place that made us all famous, and a family.]

[Now, you may be the veteran, and the most winningest champion of the former HFW eras, but the fact still remains that you have never faced me. You know as well as I do that if it weren't for Dex, I would have held the title a long time ago. As my good friend Joe Max had so elegantly put it, it is an honor for you to face me. There are a few things you lack going into this match, being the talented performer you are. You underestimate me, you may not care for the Elite title, but I do. To you, this is just another championship, to me, it's a chance to cement my name into an elite group of people. I have been waiting years for this, and I will not let this chance slip through my fingers. When we go toe to toe in the middle of the ring tonight, you will understand why an "up and comer" like my was put right into the main even, Every time we return I get better, with ever challenge I get better, where you peaked some time 5 years ago. This is just another milestone I will reach in my already impressive career.]

[You are not the HFW, the fans, and all of us, are the HFW. Not one person can make a successful business, it takes tons of dedicated people. So to correct you, WE are the HFW, all of us. A mindset like that set one up for failure, which you will experience tonight, one of the biggest nights in HFW's history. You want a war Andru, you've got one. I hope you can back up all the shit you were saying, because tonight I am pulling out all the stops. You've woken the monster within, a soulless demon sent from the depths of Hell to destroy anything and anyone on my way to the top. No one has felt the rage that I carry within, no one has been able to unleash the beast I hold inside. You are nothing but a parasite, a maggot to this company, one that needs to be extracted and destroyed. I hope your ready Mace, because after tonight, you, me, and the HFW will never be the same.]

[Hellfire gets up and walks into the arena as the screen fades to black.]