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[The screen fades in outside of a large Victorian style house located somewhere in a remote area of Eastern Connecticut. It's a lovely fall day, sun is shining, bringing out the red, yellow, orange, green and brown of the leaves. Walking up the driveway we see a man dressed in jeans and a t-shirt walk into the garage with a rake and two garbage backs in hand. At this point all we can see is his silhouette as he put the rake to the side. As he opens the lid to the trash can the phone rings. The man walks to the end of the garage to his work bench to answer as the camera gets closer]

~<{ Man }>~[It's been a long time, old friend. I'm surprised to hear from you.]

[There is a long pause while the man listens to the person on the other end of the phone. The camera gets closer, but all we can see is the side of the man's face, still unrecognizable due to the shadows created from the sunlight outside.]

~<{ Man }>~[Ive been waiting for this day.]

[The man hangs up the phone and walks to the other side of the garage. He begins to shuffle around a bit, moving the lawnmower to the side, throwing a couple of boxes labeled "XMAS" to the side. A couple more boxes are thrown to the side until the man picks up one that is simply labeled "H." He opens the box and pulls out a pair of pants and boots. Digging farther into the box he pulls out a set of black elbow pads and a pair of black gloves. The camera man pans around to reveal Hellfire. The cameraman follows him as he puts the items back into the box, and carries it out to his car. He walks around his car, gets in and drives off into the distance.]

                           ~FADE TO BLACK~

[The screen fades back in at the entrance to the HFW arena in Albany, NY. A black and red limo pulls into the parking lot and stops. After a few minutes the driver gets out and walks around the car to the back door and opens it slowly. Out from the limo emerges Hellfire, in a black suit with red pinstripes.]

~<{ Hellfire }>~[Feels good to be home.]

[He begins to walk into the arena as he is seen sending a text saying "The H Is Back," to a contact in his phone labeled "D.M." The camera follows him into the arena and down a long hallway as the fans begin to cheer wildly. Hellfire continues to walk passed backstage personnel, who have a shocked, yet very happy look on their faces while they greet him. He makes his way to his dressing room, stopping for a moment to look at his name on the door and turns around.]

~<{ Hellfire }>~[It's too bad my name's the only one on this dressing room door. It's a shame that I will make my return without my former partner, my brother, Dead Man. This time around it will be different, I will accomplish something neither he nor I were able to do last time around. I've never been more ready, it's my time to shine.]

[ The screen fades to a commercial once again as Hellfire enters the dressing room and closes the door.]

                                                                                                     ~COMMERCIAL BREAK~

[The scene fades back in with a shot of the HFW ring. The camera pans around the sold out arena as the fans are cheering as loud as they can for the return of the HFW. The crowd dies down as the camer shifts to the ringside commentary team of Mike Richards and Jack Russell.]

~<{ Mike Richards }>~ [Can you believe what is happening tonight Jack? After 5 years The HFW makes it's return!]

~<{ Jack Russell }>~ [I'll be honest with you, I wouldn't be able to believe it if I weren't here tonight. After being closed for over 5 years, the HFW has re-opened it's doors and some of the biggest names in the federation have returned with it.]

~<{ Mike Richards }>~ [You've got that right, and our main event for HFW's brand new show "Throwdown" pits Andru Mace against Hellfire for the HFW Elite Championship.]

~<{ Jack Russell }>~ [These were supposed to be involved in a championship match the last time HFW was around, right before it closed. As far as I can remember, they have never faced each other, let alone on what will most likely be one of the biggest nights in their illustrious careers.]

[The lights in the arena go out and sirens are heard throughout. The fans begin to cheer, knowing that it could only mean one thing. A voice comes over the p.a. system.]

                                                                                      ~ This is the year where hope fails you.

                                                                                        The test subjects, run the experiments.

                                                                                And the bastards you know, is the hero you hate.

                                                                                           But cohesing is possible if we strive.

                                                                      There's no reason, there's no lesson, no time like the present.

                                                                                    Tell me right now, what have you got to lose?

                                                                                   What have you got to lose? Except your soul...~

[The arena begins to glow red as "Pulse of the Maggots" by Slipknot beings to play over the speakers. The fans are in uproar knowing who is on their way out to the ring. From behind the curtain Hellfire emerges as the fan's cheer and give him a standing ovation. Hellfire walks to one edge of the stage and raises his fist to the fans. He then proceeds to the other side of stage and does the same. Hellfire makes his decent down the ramp as flames shoot out of the stage, and continues down the ramp giving fans high fives. He climbs up the apron and enters the ring over the top rope, and walks to the center of the ring. Hellfire raises his arms up to summon his turnbuckle pyro and it shoots up into the air as he lowers his arms. He gets a mic from the ring announcer, waits a moment for the crowd to quiet down.]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [Five years......Five years I've waited for the HFW to make it's return, so that I could make mine with it. Five years of constant training....I've never been more prepared than I am today. Five years of wondering if all this training will pay off. Now, here we are, the HFW has finally reopened, and with it, some of the biggest names in the history of this federation have come with it. I'll tell you what.. It feels DAMN good to be back home with all of you.]

[The fans being to cheer once again. Hellfire smiles and tries signaling them to quiet down. They finally do and he beings to speak once again.]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [I want to thank you all, from the bottom of my black heart. Without all of you none of this would be possible. I finally have my chance at the most prestigious title the HFW has to offer. After proving myself as a competitor time and time again, and this Wednesday after my match at the all new HFW Throwdown, I will be the face of the HFW. I'm in the best shape of my life, and everyone will find out that I am better than ever and make this return as memorable as I possibly can.] 

[There are a few superstars returning to the HFW this time around that I will be glad to see again. Mason Briggs, and Joe Max to be exact. Mason, my long time rival in the earlier years of our careers, has a chance to become the number one contender for the Slaughterhouse title. I must say, it's about time that the higher ups gave you an opportunity to do something great, and to really prove yourself. Especially after the months that you and I spent fighting each other and really showing everyone that regardless of what we have to do, we will always perform to the best of our abilities and put on one hell of a show for the fans.]

[The other superstar that I am excited to see return to action is Joe Max. My long time friend, and former ally of mine in countless stables. Joe, you and I have gone through so much over the years, including overthrowing L.O.W's reign of terror over the HFW with other superstars under the name Hells CorNer. Honestly Joe, I hope you win your match Wednesday, making you the number one contender for the Elite Championship. I hope you win because the one thing we have never done, in all our history, is face each other one on one.]

[Hellfire pulls the mic down and takes a few moments to catch his breath and collect his thoughts. The fans start to cheer and chant his name.]

[This Wednesday at Throwdown, I will be facing a man whom I have never faced before, Andru Mace. Now, Andru and I have been booked in a few matches with each other during a few of the comebacks that the HFW has made, only to have the match never happen, due to the federation going on a hiatus. He and I also were members of L.O.W., so he and I have seen each other perform. I have been fighting since the day I entered the HFW to have championship gold. I have won every title put in my reach, and I have held those titles for months on end, only to lose them in order to move on to better things. This championship shot is my one chance to show everyone that without a doubt I am the best that the H has to offer, and after my match with Andru Mace, I will be the first ever HFW Elite Champion. There is no higher honor for me to achieve, this is the top of the ladder, and Mace, there's one thing you have to ask yourself. Are you willing to travel, and fight through Hell, fire, and brimstone to make it to the top?]

[He drops the microphone and summons his turnbuckle pyro. He exits the ring and makes his way up the ramp, giving more fans high fives. He continues to the stage and stops right before the curtain. The camera zooms in on his back as he throws his fist into the air then exits.]

                                                                                                    ~FADE TO BLACK~