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[ The screen fades in at the Cedarwood Lounge in Connecticut. There is a large crowd surrounding a table centered around two men. People begin to walk around so the camera can catch a glimpse of who the men might be. Finally we are able to see a pitcher of beer and two empty mugs on the table in front of HFW Elite Champion Hellfire, with the brand new Elite Championship belt laying on the table next to him. Across from him sits his best friend, and former partner and former HFW superstar Dead Man. Dead Man orders another pitcher of beer and a waitress brings it over. ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ If we're gonna do this, we have to do it the right way. ]

[ They take hold of the pitchers raise them ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ To my good friend Hellfire! He finally did what neither one of us was able to do when we wrestled together over 5 years ago. He brought home the most prestigious title in the HFW. ]

[ The hit the pitchers against each other and begin to chug. Dead Man finishes his first, but Hellfire is close behind. They slam the pitchers down on the table and wipe the excess away from their mouths. ]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ Thank you my friend. In spite of all the skeptics and naysayers, the people who thought that I'm not good enough, I finally captured my title. Yes, I called it my title, because in all honesty, I was made to have this title around my waist. After all these years one of us was finally able to do it, and at Halloween Curse, I'm gonna defeat Andru Mace once again, in a match that neither one of us has experience in. ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ You have to watch out for Andru though, he is one of the best the HFW has ever seen. Not only that, but he loves being the world champ, or whatever champ is the top dog at the time. ]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ I know, but you know as well as I do that when I am put up against an opponent that every one thinks is a better competitor, I always overcome. Plus, neither he nor I have an advantage this time around because we are being put in a brand new type of match, called a Do or Die match. Even if he does pin me, it won't matter too much, seeing as how it's a point-based match. ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ I remember you telling me about it. You're able to bring five weapons to the ring with you, and I caught his first promo on the match. He's bringing a mace, and what's worse is I think he might be a little too attached to it. He named it... Macey...]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ Macey..... isn't that the name of a major department store? They do a huge Thanksgiving day parade. ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ Close, but still, have you even thought about what weapons you want to bring? ]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ Yeah I've thought about it, and if Andru 'stuck in the iron age' Mace wants to get medieval with his first weapon, I can too. Come out to the car, I wanna show you something. ]

[ Hellfire and Dead Man get up and walk away from the table towards the exit to the bar. Once outside they walk over to Hellfire's car. He opens the door and pops the trunk. Hellfire opens the trunk and pulls out a sledgehammer. ]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ This here, is a bit medieval, just like Andru's mace. ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ Why are you randomly carrying a sledgehammer in the trunk of your car? ]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ That's not what is important right now. What is important is that I have a lot of experience using this, not necessarily in the HFW, but as you know, there were times when we were young that I needed an equalizer, and next week at Halloween Curse, I'm going to use this on Andru Mace, over and over again. ]

[ Hellfire grips the sledgehammer tighter and begins to laugh. ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ Let's put this away, I don't like the look in your eye, and the last thing we need is to be arrested for whipping some ass out here and beating people with a sledgehammer. In fact, give me your keys also. ]

[ Dead Man takes the sledgehammer from Hellfire and places in back in the trunk and closes it. He takes Hellfire's keys out of his hands and locks up the car and puts the keys in his pocket. They walk back inside the bar and order another pitcher of beer. The pitcher comes and the pour themselves a glass. ]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ Did you see what Andru was saying about scoring 100 points in our match? What a fool, he can try to score as many points as he would like, doesn't mean he will succeed. I'm not just gonna lie down and take the punishment he want to dish out. Regardless, I'm still gonna score more than he does and retain my title. I've waited too long and worked too hard over all the years that I've been with this company to win the title and lose it only two weeks later. This is a new HFW, one that none of us have ever seen. He's been underestimating me since we came back as a company, and I proved to him at Throwdown that I am not to be taken lightly, and at Halloween Curse I will show him again just how different things are. He may consider himself the HFW, past, present, and future, but we both know, as I have proved time and time again, that I am the true future of this company. ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ What was up with Joe attacking you at Throwdown? I thought you two were still friends. ]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ Honestly, you know how Joe is, you've been around him just as much as I have, he's always trying to do something to shock everyone. He succeeded this time, shocking the entire locker room, including me. I don't hold it against him, though, he wants my title, so of course he's gonna intervene in at least one of my matches. I don't take it personally, he and I have been friends for as long as I remember, and business is business. Hopefully he learned his lesson about interfering in my matches when I chokeslammed him and threw him into Mace. I'm not too worried about Joe this time anyway, good luck to him getting into the 12 foot barbed wire dome I'm gonna be wrestling Andru in. If he somehow makes his way in, I'm gonna have to destroy him just like I will Andru. ]

[ Hellfire chugs the rest of his beer and pours himself another one. ]

~<{ Dead Man }>~ [ I just hope you know what you've gotten yourself into this time. Being the top dog in the H is a lot different than anything you have done before. There's going to be a lot of people gunning for you, as you've seen with past champions, and it's not going to be easy. ]

~<{ Hellfire }>~ [ Of course it's not going to be easy, nothing that worth having ever is. But after all these years I have finally captured what I've had my eye on, and no one, not Mace, not Joe, will keep me from holding onto this as long as I can. The H can keep throwing me into new matches, and I will adapt and conquer, just as I've always done. They are going to have to pry this championship out of my cold, dead hands if they want to take it from me. Mace does have a point though, the new idea of having us fight on an axle style of ring does sound quite fun. I can't wait until that son of a bitch starts spinning. It'll be a great test of balance and skill, but unfortunately for Mace, this fight is going to come down to one thing and one thing only... That's who has the will to do whatever is necessary to win. Now Andru has held many world titles, so this is nothing more than just another belt to add to his collection, but to me, it's much more than that. This title, to me, is the ultimate test of my character and skill, the ultimate test of everything that I have been working for. Having my hard work finally pay off has been nothing short of intoxicating. Nothing is going to stop my reign of destruction, this is a new era of the HFW, the destruction era. ]

[ Man I hope they keep coming up with new matches for me to compete in, to show just how wide a range of skill I have. There's no feeling like going into a match that has been made especially for you, as this Do or Die match is. Its time to put up or shut, and when the dust settle I will be the one with hand raised in victory, proving once again that I am the best. Now, my friend, how bout a game of pool? Let's see if you can finally beat me. ]

[ Hellfire and Dead Man toast each other once more and finish off the pitcher. They put the mugs down on the table and Hellfire pulls out a pool cue from a leather case sitting on the chair next to him. They get up and walk over to the nearest pool table and begin to play as the jukebox begins to play "Destroy Everything" by Hatebreed. The screen fades out. ]